Tuesday 20 December 2016

First Draft


This is my first draft of my music video for Only Sun's "Get Away". I used a performing studio for my location to give the video a live feel which I have been researching about. I also used a black and white effect which I have also covered in my research. I like the look and the feel of my first draft very much but on my second draft I am definitely going to work on attempting to match the timing of my video to the track even better as in some points of the video it drops out as it is a live performance in the video. I am also going to construct a criticism sheet which i will hand out in my class when my draft is screened to see other areas I can improve on which I did not pick up on first glance. I provided a screening in my class to showcase my draft and these were my feedback results;

- Timing is off
- Should offer an alternate narrative to shape meaning
-Experiment with effects to give an edgy aesthetic

These three points are all something I am going to attempt for my second draft to improve my music video.

Friday 2 December 2016

Ancillary Task Poster

I have constructed my ancillary task poster for the band Only Sun. I decided to keep the poster simple whilst eye catching. The poster features a sleek and simple element to portray the simple message of the bands name in an attempt to gain more recognition. The abstract colours of the background image give a nice complexion to the standard white logo of the band in the foreground. The background features the frontman only. This is similar to that of oasis focusing on the frontman Liam Gallagher, giving a bigger presence for his lead voice of the band. The background depicts the lead singers passion for the lyrics, with his eyes shut and hands clutching the microphone.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Poster Analysis Summary

From the ten posters I have analysed, I have obtained some creative mindsets from the way posters are bordered to where the band logo is placed. The main thing I have picked up is how effective simplicity is in a poster. This is something I will definitely replicate in my own ancillary task. However, I have exploited some elements of complexity in some of the posters I have analysed. These are things I will not be attempting to re create for my ancillary task.